Talio Corpus

Enter the Labyrinth and Confront the Minotaur

The Mission

Knowledge has been a primary influence on my life and one I try disciplining myself every day to pursue. Even if only the nobility of Sisyphus, it would be better to have tried than to have not. To be not led astray by the absolute catastrophe of existence. To realize that everything is connected to everything else, and to feel the electricity of discovery and the fire of exploration.

Have I such strength? Have I the resilience? The arms of time will continue dancing nonetheless. It is my duty to earn my place in history and I could be capable of this if I put my work into it. There is nothing in this life a man could pursue that is nobler than such; to have suffered for a great belief that existence could be convalesced toward exalted heights.

The story of the hero is one of facing danger and fighting it in the pursuit of serene pastures. The context that separates Seraph from Serpent; holy and demonic. Thus, the warrior has no other option than to enter the labyrith and confront the minotaur.

Skills and Experience

